how to Prepare and produce an error-free and completed annual account without last minute surprises

Do you have a clear action plan for how to prepare for the annual account?

A practical plan is what makes the difference and what means you will avoid last minute surprises and can produce an error-free annual account by the deadline.

Many finance professionals find the end-of-year accounting process stressful as the financial statements are the most important part of the annual report. In order to build up a complete picture you have to draw upon several different sources of information, and you have a legal requirement to ensure your accounts are complete and accurate.

The process can seem complex - but having a solid grounding is just like the saying -  "Well begun is half done".

In this webinar we look at the annual account on a practical level and how you can take out some of the stress of filing your accounts while still completing in time.

We summarize the process and provide you with a comprehensive checklist, so you’ll know exactly what you need to do.

We look into:

✅ Core accounting principles 
✅ General housekeeping you need to take care of 

✅ Planning - how you should plan for your annual account

✅ Standardizing - how you ensure correct and timely data in an easy way

The webinar is hosted by experts from Konsolidator and PwC Denmark

Konsolidator og PwC webinar december 14, 2020